Move Command in AutoCAD

AutoCAD Move Command helps user to Move the object to a defined displacements in a defined directions.
AutoCAD Move Command move command AutoCAD Move Command 19
Find this icon from the Modify Toolbar to activate the command.

AutoCAD Move command Uses coordinate, grid snap, object snap, and other tool to moves object with high precision.
The following instructions will be asked in the command line after activating the command from the modify tool bar or [M enter] in the command line.

This options used to Specify which object to be moved.
This option help us to Specify the start_point for the object to be moved. Important to be careful during base point declaration because this point decides the displacement distance.
In this option  combinations with the 1st point, specify a vector that indicate how long, and in which directions, the selected object are to be moved.
If user press [Enter] to accept the Use of the 1st point as displacement, the 1st point is taken as relative X,Y,Z displacements. For example, if you specifies 4,5 for the base_point and press [Enter] at the next , the object move 4 unit in the X-directions and 5 unit in the Y-directions from the original positions.
This option used to Specify the relative distances and directions for the object to be moved from the base point of the object to be moved.
The 2 point user  specifies on the drawing canvas defines a vector that indicate how fars from the current the copied object are placed and in which directions.