Scale Command in AutoCAD

AutoCAD Scale Command
AutoCAD Scale Command used to Enlarge or reduce the size of the specified object, while keep proportions of the object same after scaling of the object.
Access Method of stretch command

Find this icon from the following options:

Tool bar: Drafting tool set >>Scale
 Menu bar:  Modify >> Scale.
Shortcut: Select object to scale. Rightclick in the drawing canvas and click Scale.
Command method: [SC Enter]
To do scale objects, specify base-point and scale-factor. The base-point act as centre of scaling operations and remain fixed. A scale-factor greater than one enlarge objects. Scale-factor less than shrink objects.

Steps involved during Scale Command
The following steps are to be followed:
Start Scale Command by [SC Enter] or the methods discussed above.
Select object: Use objects selection methods and press Enter when you are done.
Specify base-point: Specify point which will be fixed.
The base-point you specified identify point that remain in same location as selected object changes size (and thus moves away from fixed base-point).
Note: When user use Scale Command with annotative object, the positions or locations of objects is scaled relative to base-point of scale operations, but sizes of the objects is not change.

Specify select objects or [copy/reference]: Specify scale objects or [Enter c] for copy , or [enter r] for reference
Scale Factor
Multiply the dimension of selected object by specified scale-factor. A scale-factor greater than one enlarge the object. A scale factor less than one shrink the object. You may also drag the crosshair to make the objects large or small.
Create copies of  selected object for scaling.
Scale the selected object based on a reference lengths and specific new lengths.
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